
Showing posts from August, 2022
  INTRODUCTION The primary objective of every organization is the desire to achieve success and long-lasting progress. But only a handful of organizations consider the employee in that organization to be the main asset that can lead the organization to long-lasting success (T. Abbah, M., 2014). Achieving a competitive advantage is key in today’s dynamic world for organizations to achieve success. This is recognized as the highest goal by many organizations for survival in an aggressive industry (Bhatti, Aslam, Hassan, and Sulaiman, 2016). It’s reasonably plausible that for example, the primary motivation for certain employee groupings is their personal stake in the organization such as career development, rewards, and recognition, whilst other groupings may be motivated by a combination of working environment, values in an organization and role challenges (Glen, C.,2006). Al Aramai (2002) in his research state the word motivation was derived from the Latin word movere which means t

Factors affecting employee motivation

  Factors affecting employee motivation For an organization to succeed employee motivation is a critical influencer and close attention needs to be given to factors that affect employee motivational levels (Güngör, 2011). Initial theories of motivation were looking for causes in the work environment and emphasized the importance of reward and punishment to motivate employees. Different theories in recent times state such as, the theory of self-determination work can be naturally enjoyable as well as interesting (Lazauskaite-Zabielske, Urbanaviciute, and Bagdziuniene, 2015). According to Che Ahmat, Arendt, and Russell, (2019) employee motivation can be divided into two components which are intrinsic and extrinsic, which means behavior may be motivated by internal rewards such as positive emotion that an employee gets when a customer is served or an external reward such as financial bonus.  Below is a conceptual framework of rewards and motivation used by (Aamir, Jehanzeb, Rasheed,

Benefits of employee motivation

Benefits of employee motivation Employee motivation determines what they do how they do it and how hard they work (Graves and Sarkis, 2018). Poor organizational performance can reduce the most dedicated employee’s motivation (Nesbit and Woods, 2000). There was a point where employees were considered as just another input into the production of goods and services. This way of thinking was changed through research, which found money does not solely motivate employees, and the behaviors of employees were linked to their attitude (Achim, Dragolea, and Balan, 2013). Organizational success depends on its motivated employees these employees collectively form teams that are well informed, and who have ample knowledge, experience, and necessary skills (Němečková, 2017). Varma, (2017) is of the view that motivated employees are a deep need for any organization and through which the following organizational objectives can be met, the Integrated direction of the group/Teams, effectiveness and effi

Enhancing employee motivation through the application of Maslow’s theory on the hierarchy of needs in a contemporary organization

According to the theory developed by Maslow in 1943 on human motivation, five sets of goals were identified which can be named as physiological, security, social, self-esteem, and self-actualization (Alajmi and Alasousi, 2019). Maslow believed that the significance of our lives constitutes in striving for growth, happiness, and satisfaction which inspires us to go beyond the minimum effort to sustain life (Poduska, 1992). Work motivation is often understood and measured using Maslow’s theory of motivation among other theories (Alajmi and Alasousi, 2019). Shoib et al., (2022) states in the well-known theory of Maslow’s “hierarchy of needs” individual needs are ranked according to their perceived importance and that it’s visualized as a pyramid with the more vital need at the base and the non-most essential at the peak (figure 01). Allen, Muñoz, and Ortúzar, (2019) elaborate on the fundamental idea to be when lower needs are met then the individual will search for superior needs. The obj

Improving employee motivation through the application of Hertzberg’s two factor theory

According to Alrawahi et al., (2020) when one applies Hertzberg’s theory of motivation to explore job satisfaction among employees two types of motivating factors can be found which are, 01. Satisfiers (Motivators) these are the main drivers of satisfaction which include achievement, responsibility, recognition as well as job enhancements.  02. Dissatisfies (Hygiene factors) are the main reason for job dissatisfaction. Work conditions, salaries, relationships with colleagues, supervisors, and administrative policies are included in this factor. As these two factors work in different sequences Hertzberg used this model to explain an individual at work can be satisfied and dissatisfied at the same time. For example, Hygiene factors cannot enhance or reduce satisfaction, but rather can only affect the degree of displeasure. Harmonization of motivational factors needs to be achieved with hygiene factors to attain job satisfaction. According to Hertzberg the only way to increase satisfactio

Employee motivation in light of Vroom’s theory of expectation

Victor Vroom’s theory of expectation developed in 1964 strives to predict and describe the task-related effort prolonged by a person. Expectancy, instrumentality, and valance are the three key terms in the theory (Baumhof, Decker, Röder, and Menrad, 2017).  Force, valance, and expectancy are the sub-divided categories by Vroom. Theories on expectancy as applied to employee motivation are commonly attributed to Vroom. Even though its historic roots are in the works of Lewin and Tolman who suggested that organisms improve intellectual expectancies concerning the outcomes of behavior and subsequently behave in a manner that is expected to result in favored outcome states (Oliver, 1974). Abdul Rehman, Sehar, and Afzal, (2019) State individual factors play a major role in goal achievements and behavior of the employee. The effort the individual puts in along with performance and motivation is interconnected.  Vroom believes to better motivate employees a positive correlation between effort