Benefits of employee motivation

Benefits of employee motivation

Employee motivation determines what they do how they do it and how hard they work (Graves and Sarkis, 2018). Poor organizational performance can reduce the most dedicated employee’s motivation (Nesbit and Woods, 2000). There was a point where employees were considered as just another input into the production of goods and services. This way of thinking was changed through research, which found money does not solely motivate employees, and the behaviors of employees were linked to their attitude (Achim, Dragolea, and Balan, 2013). Organizational success depends on its motivated employees these employees collectively form teams that are well informed, and who have ample knowledge, experience, and necessary skills (Němečková, 2017).

Varma, (2017) is of the view that motivated employees are a deep need for any organization and through which the following organizational objectives can be met, the Integrated direction of the group/Teams, effectiveness and efficiency will be at high levels, higher organizational commitment, maximum use of resources, a performance-oriented environment is created (Creative & Innovative), organization’s ability to face uncertain business challenges will increase, and employee retention and attraction will also be a considerable factor.

Conrad, Ghosh, and Isaacson, (2015) argue saying there is a considerable amount of research proving employee enthusiasm translates into stronger performance by the organization. Pfeffer (1998) in his wide-ranging review of “the motivation and staff morale research” determines that companies with motivated employees are 30 to 40 more productive.

For corporate competitiveness and economic development, innovation is widely recognized as a key factor (Mir, Casadesús, and Petnji, 2016). Buech, Michel, and Sonntag, (2010) are of the view that motivation is one of the main factors in respect of innovation. Furthermore, Geroski et al., (1993) are of the view organizations that are innovative may attain larger market shares and achieve significant growth rates and profits. Many studies highlight motivation to be an important factor when it comes to innovation. 

Jain, Gupta and, Bindal, (2019) note when an individual’s values and needs are met it translates into job satisfaction, and a great level of job satisfaction is directly related to positive performance, low absenteeism, and low turnover.

Němečková, (2017) argues employee motivation is a key element of retaining employees, as human capital is the success of an organization, this may also be the considerable differentiator the organization has over its competitors and it may also become the desirable decisive advantage. Employee retention refers to the effort that an organization adopts to keep productive and desirable employees to accomplish organizational and business objectives (Finnegan and Taylor, 2002). Employee retention is a major issue in every sector since the high turnover costs can result in failing to achieve organizational objectives (Khalid, and Nawab, 2018). Utmost attention is given to retaining employees as it helps minimize the cost of recruitment and training, reduces turnover layouts, and also aids in retaining a talented workforce from being poached (Sandhya, 2011). However, when an employee leaves his or her job, the company suffers a loss of customer loyalty and expertise and increases organizational costs in recruiting and training interrupting the daily workflow which can spell disaster for the organization at the end (Brandt, Bielitz, and Georgi, 2016).

According to a study, satisfied workers exhibit higher levels of motivation and dedication, which has a good impact on their conduct and performance, which is reflected in their production. Today's business environment is such that while the majority of resources are more or less readily available and can be acquired, talented human resources are harder to come by and, if found, take longer to develop and perform effectively. For these reasons, human resource management activities are crucial to creating such an employee base and maximizing utilization. It is essential for gaining a competitive edge. (Chen et al, 2012).

Analyzing the stated arguments the author believes for any contemporary organization employee motivation is a key element to its success, the level of commitment drive, and energy that the organization’s employees bring to the role on a daily basis is highly important. If organizations face reduced productivity, and lower output levels it’s more likely that the company will fall short of reaching important goals. Therefore in conclusion organizations should focus on motivating their employees through the means and measures stated above.



Achim, M., Dragolea, L. and Balan, G., 2013. "The Importance Of Employee Motivation To Increase Organizational Performance ." Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, 2(15), pp.685-691. [online] Available at: http://10.29302/oeconomica.2013.15.2.32 [Accessed 5 August 2022].

Brandt, W., Bielitz, C. and Georgi, A., 2016. The Impact of Staff Turnover and Staff Density on Treatment Quality in a Psychiatric Clinic. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 August 2022].

Buech, V., Michel, A. and Sonntag, K., 2010. Suggestion systems in organizations: what motivates employees to submit suggestions?. European Journal of Innovation Management, 13(4), pp.507-525. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 August 2022].

Conrad, D., Ghosh, A. and Isaacson, M., 2015. Employee motivation factors. International Journal of Public Leadership, 11(2), pp.92-106. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 August 2022].

Geroski, P., Machin, S. and Reenen, J., 1993. The Profitability of Innovating Firms. The RAND Journal of Economics, 24(2), p.198. [online] Available at: http://10.2307/2555757.

Graves, L. and Sarkis, J., 2018. The role of employees' leadership perceptions, values, and motivation in employees' provenvironmental behaviors. Journal of Cleaner Production, 196, pp.576-587. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 August 2022].

Khalid, K. and Nawab, S., 2018. Employee Participation and Employee Retention in View of Compensation. SAGE Open, 8(4), p.215824401881006. [online]  Available at: [Accessed 8 August 2022].

Landy, F. J., & Conte, J. M. (2010). Work in the 21st Century: An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology. 3rd ed. Malden: Blackwell Publishing, p. 669.

Mir, M., Casadesús, M. and Petnji, L., 2016. The impact of standardized innovation management systems on innovation capability and business performance: An empirical study. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 41, pp.26-44. [online] Available a [Accessed 7 August 2022].

Němečková, I., 2017. The role of benefits in employee motivation and retention in the financial sector of the Czech Republic. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 30(1), pp.694-704. [online]  Available at: [Accessed 5 August 2022].

Nesbit, P. and Woods, R., 2000. Training to improve performance appraisal and employee motivation in technology-based organizations. R & D Enterprise: Asia Pacific, 3(1-2), pp.18-23. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 August 2022]. 2002. The Race for Talent: Retaining and Engaging Workers in the 21st Century - ProQuest. [online] Available at:> [Accessed 8 August 2022].

Pfeffer, J. (1998), The Human Equation, Harvard Business Press Corporation, Boston, MA.

Sandhya, K., 2011. Employee retention by motivation. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 4(12), pp.1778-1782.




  1. Varma (2018) says contemporary business has high job losses due to layoff and retrenchment to create lean organization and business should stop loses of performing employees due to decreasing job satisfaction and lac of motivation to continue with the organization.

    1. Agreed, Němečková, (2017) argues employee motivation is a key element of retaining employees, as human capital is the success of an organization, this may also be the considerable differentiator the organization has over its competitors and it may also become the desirable decisive advantage.


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